Botany One is a web blog that takes news about plant-related topics and tries to present them in an understandable form. The latest article on Botany One delves into the fascinating world of plant physiology. Entitled ‘Unravelling the mechanisms of photoinhibition in plants’, it highlights recent research findings that reveal the importance of photoprotection mechanisms for plant survival. Excessive light can disrupt photosynthesis. However, plants have developed amazing strategies to protect themselves from this so-called photoinhibition. The article is based on a recent study by Tim Nies and his colleagues, who have developed a mathematical model to better understand these complex protective mechanisms.
The full article can be read here, the underlying paper, A mathematical model of photoinhibition: exploring the impact of quenching processes, in silico Plants by Tim Nies, Shizue Matsubara, Oliver Ebenhöh, can be found here.