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WATAMU Summer School

Marvin van Aalst (photo) and Tobias Pfennig from QTB are on a trip to Africa to teach programming in different workshops. The WATAMU Summerschool is a cooperation project with the Institute for Computational Life Science of RWTH Aachen University under the direction of junior professor Anna Matuszyńska. The village of Watamu is located on the coast of Kenya in East Africa and is home to, among others, the animal and wildlife park "Turtle Watch" https://localocean.co/ ,which specializes in the protection of turtles. The QTB colleagues will introduce the participants to the Python programming language. In addition to programming basics, various tips and tricks are shown to develop optimal, as well as efficient software modules. In particular, different mathematical models as well as data processing/analysis methods are introduced, which are to be adapted by the participants to the local research questions. With the help of data analysis and mathematical modeling, the marine ecology research questions should be focused more efficiently in the future, in order to support local environmental protection more strongly.

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