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Non-Photochemical Quenching Workshop

Studying Response to Excess Light Energy

Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf

22 – 25 September 2015
Institute for Quantitative and Theoretical Biology
Organizers: Anna Matuszyńska, Prof. Oliver Ebenhöh

Aims and Scope
This interdisciplinary workshop aims at bringing together a diverse group of researchers working on non-photochemical quenching mechanisms in plants and marine organisms. It will provide a platform for a focused discussion and exchange of cross-disciplinary ideas and results. The topics of the workshop will include various aspects of NPQ, ranging from molecular mechanisms of quenching, over new measuring techniques to constructing theoretical descriptions of the process and mathematical modelling. Aside of lectures conducted by worldwide experts in NPQ research, there will be a significant time devoted to gain hands-on experience in using mathematical models. By holding the event in bioeconomy-oriented industrial environment of North Rhein-Westphalia, we aim at highlighting the importance of open research on environmental acclimation in the context of economics of production. Moreover, participants will have an opportunity to test PhotosynQ, a low cost, hand-held measurement device that allows to collect and share plant health data from anywhere in the world.

Invited speakers
We are happy to announce that following speakers confirmed their participation in the workshop:

  • Prof. David M. Kramer (Michigan State University)
  • Prof. Roberto Bassi (University of Verona)
  • Prof. Michel Goldschmidt-Clermont (University of Geneva)
  • Dr. Giovanni Finazzi (CNRS Grenoble)
  • Prof. Peter Jahns (Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf)
  • Dr. Angela Falciatore (Université Pierre et Marie Curie)

The scientific programme runs from Tuesday, September 22, 9:00, to Friday, September 25, 12:00. On Tuesday afternoon/evening a social event is planned. Detailed schedule will be posted soon.

The workshop is designed to bring together a group of around 20 participants in an early stage of their scientific career. If you wish to apply for the workshop, please send your CV together with a motivation letter to Anna Matuszyńska (please use the Subject "NPQ workshop: Registration") until the 10th of August, 2015 (deadline extended). The applications are reviewed continously as we receive them and candidates will be notified with the outcome promptly.

Thanks to our sponsors, participation in the workshop is free of charge and covers refreshments during the day, lunch and Welcome Dinner.

Travel grant
We are happy to announce that the International Society of Photosynthesis Research (ISPR) provided support for the NPQ Workshop, and these funds are to be used exclusively for support of housing and travel for selected students and postdoctoral scientists that will attend the meeting. Please indicate in your motivation letter whether you wish to be considered for the travel grant.

If you have questions don't hesitate to contact us.